League of Legends coaching is becoming a hot topic in the world of gaming along with all the talk about newbie players unable to get past the iron Level on their own. Apparently, majority of the more than 150 million LoL players earnestly want to improve their LoL skills. They want to get better at playing the game as they also hope to become one of the top 300 or 200 LoL players in their region.
There are 9 tiers in all, denoting there is a long and arduous grind and climb before they can reach the ultimate rank of Challenger.
Comprehending the Different LoL Ranks and Their Order of Occurrence
The Iron Tier is the lowest of all tiers. Riot Games introduced several changes in the ranking systems during the past decade in which LoL made a strong impact as a Multiplayer Online Battle Arena or MOBA game. In 2018, the Iron tier was added and introduced as the lowest placement in the Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum order of rankings. .
I.ron Level therefore became the tier where newbies start and strive. It’s the level where player s develop their basic LoL skills and work toward a better visualisation of how to use their skills in the MOBA However, some people are just not good at playing the game they get stuck in this tier for quite a long time. Now here’s the thing — not a few LoL players became impatient or pressured into improving their ranking.
What they do is to simply pay a seasoned LoL player to play in their behalf. That way, they can move on to the Bronze Level and potentially to the Silver Level. This strategy is not sustainable though, since reaching higher levels means players have already improved.
League of Legends is a real time online strategy game that requires genuine skills in hurdling the difficult challenges presented by the higher levels, from Bronze, to Silver to Gold,, Emerald and Platinum.
The administrators at Riot Games noticed that the rank distribution in the League of Legends is bottom-heavy. Many LoL players have not made it past the Bronze and Silver levels for quite some time.
It’s a good thing that LoL players have realised the folly of paying another player just to advance in levels. Getting a topnotch Challenger as League of Legends coach to provide tailored lessons is the better alternative.
If one truly desires to become a professional LoL player in any kind of role, Top, Mid, Support, Jungle and ADC getting coached is the more sustainable strategy toward achieving one’s goal.